letterboxd profile


turn off the light..*click*

this will be simple enough.

it'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry
because adam sandler,
you're the nicest guy alive

click - 3.5/5



so, last night, I saw Nacho Libre. About 2 weeks ago, I really didn't want to see this movie, because I really didn't like Napolean Dynamite and Jack Black is teh fag.
However, I saw one clip, and it made me want to see it.
I didn't really like the first half. I'm not a fan of cheap stunts and slap-stick comedy, but then I think I just cracked. It was just too ridiculous and I totally lost it. It was hilarious.

Nacho Libre - 2.5/5



Caaaars, it was ok. It was only funny to me because of Owen Wilson. He could voice act longer than he could...real act. I'm not a big fan of the animated kids flix.

Cars - 2/5



Dodge, Myself, Cat, Mo and Jeff watched The Omen tonight. It was ok.
It was actually a horror/suspenseful movie, which was genuinely scary, which hasn't happened in awhile.
everything is just gore and cheap scares. however, maybe if the plot was was better and even just more in-depth, that'd be good. I'd be worried about the fact that it's a good movie, not to rush and put it out on 6/6/06...errr fine, 666.

The Omen - 1.5/5

oh and for all you idiots, my name is spelled differently, than that of the son of the devil.


break me off a piece

the break-up was pretty good. i liked it a lot actually.
it got less funny as the movie went on though, but I still liked it.

the break-up - 2.5/5