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wii are marshall

movies have been far in the back of my mind as of late. You know, it's the holiday season..and I did get a Wii. Movies will be pushed to the back of my mind. At least in theatres. As you may or may not have known, I only review movies I see in theatres. I may put a stop to that, and just do movies released in the year - which makes sense. Unless, you're a stone-cold pimp like me, and make out with whoever is in sight when you watch dvd's.
All right. On to the review.

Great story. Decent movie. It was just lacking a lot of emotion, I thought. Matthew Fox was the maaaad acts. He was really good. It wasn't anything really special, and I think McG - terrible director- was hoping that the story of the Marshall plane crash would make a mediocre movie, a better one. No cheap stuff, McG. I'm a little dissappointed.

We Are Marshall - 2/5

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