letterboxd profile


mr. payne

The Hot - Lots of weird stuff, like from the video game. The video game excelled due to haunting dark scenes showing how twisted Max Payne was after the loss of his family. The movie did a good job of showing a lot of those scenes and the imagery was totally awesome. Sometimes it looked like Sin City, I loved all the scenes with the snow, it just looked really cool. The lighting and stuff really added to the story.

The Not - It seemed way too weird and they didn't go deep into why Max was so messed up. Just kinda random stuff with the demons and it took awhile to get into the story. I really think you needed to have played the video game, otherwise it just seemed weird and didn't really make any sense. Typical twist in the ending, but the whole story works much better as a video game.

Final Shot - Max Payne - 3/5

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