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so, I really wanted to see Babel, but it's no longer playing in Nova Scotia. Poo.
The Fountain was unveiled to my hopeful eyes, instead. First of all...this could be the smartest movie of the year..and the best. It's crazy. I forgot that it took place in 3 different parts of the...universe?..well, time I guess. 1500, 2500 and the present. I totally forgot this while I was watching the movie. But it was still horribly captivating, though I did get lost at the end. Some people may think it was stupid, but it's a glorious love story, that you need to see numerous times. oh baby, oh baby, oh.

To be honest, this movie probably deserves 4.5, but it's almost..ahead of it's time? But honestly, what do you expect from the same director and writer of Pi and Requiem for a Dream. Oh, I do need to add Pi to my Christmas wish list.
Bravo to Hugh Jackman. If I were to jack a man, it would be you..Hugh.

The Fountain - 4/5

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