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red red tie

The Hot - I liked The Spirit a lot, as a character. He was noble..and I had no idea he was so much of a pimp. I think there were some changes from the graphic novel -- such as him being a pimp and also Scarlett Johannson's character. I think they just wanted to add more sex into it. Anyway, it was just kinda weird. The Spirit was a super cool dude, so was the story, the background they gave with Sand Seraf and The Spirit. It was sexy, and there were a lot of memorable characters and visuals.

The Not - I just don't think it worked well and really made sense. There really wasn't enough story on The Spirit himself, -- yes they did how he became The Spirit, but I couldn't really get into the character, and I couldn't even really connect with the stuff on The Octopus vs The Spirit...it was explained..but..I dunno, hard to get into it really. Just some cool things, but didn't seem to really connect that well. I was disappointed...but it's good, and I'll definitely watch it again.

Final Shot - The Spirit - 3/5

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